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Experience the Called to Freedom Conference Virtually!

By purchasing the replays below, you'll gain access to all of the videos of the testimonies, speaking sessions, and panel discussions from our 2023 conference for a minimum of a year.

From the first speaker on Friday to the last speaker on Saturday, this is content you don't want to miss!

  • Jeremiah spoke about grieving the loss of leaving a cultish group and finding healthy faith community,
  • Tracy shared her testimony of discovering God's love after experiencing unspeakable abuse,
  • Naomi Wright and Aurelio Lessey joined Natalie to discuss recognizing and recovering from spiritual abuse,
  • Jennifer Brallier shared her testimony of coming to Christ on her way out of legalism,
  • Andrew preached a stirring gospel message on Christ's sufficiency for our salvation,
  • Jennifer, Jereme, Nathan and Natalie dove into questions regarding freedom in Christ,
  • Jeremiah and Andrew answered audience questions with Jennifer Brewer,
  • Anna shared her story of following God out of the darkness of sin and confusion of legalism into the gospel of grace,
  • Nathan gave an exciting update about how God is working through Berean Holiness and what lies ahead!

You can now enjoy all the Called to Freedom conference sessions from the comfort of your own home!

What Attendees Are Saying...

"The content was very encouraging and focused on Christ. I think no matter where someone is on their faith journey, they could walk away with very firm reminders of God's love for them through Christ and how to take the next step (whatever that might be) to walk more faithfully in healthy Christian community." —Jennifer B.

"Anna's testimony was powerful! I sat there and cried most of the way through... Her face radiated with joy and peace as she told of that journey and God's leading. There was no bitterness or anger towards a church or person. Just praise to God for being so real to her. When she finished we all jumped to our feet to rejoice with her!" —Ben

"Andrew's talk really impacted me. Hearing the gospel so beautifully put, so plainly. I cried. The beauty of it is something that was never expounded on in preaching + teaching I heard while in the UPCI... Navigating an exit, losing my community, rebuilding my theology, makes for a very lonely journey. This conference has helped me navigate the theology side of things, by pointing me to find my identity in Christ. I was also able to connect with others going through the same thing, brought a level of healing I didn't know I needed." —K.R.

Anniversary Discount (One-Year Access)


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"Tracy and Jennifer's testimony resonated so much with me. Tracy's because of the word she used 'Trustworthy'. It dropped in my soul and will be with me for a long time to come. Loved the flow of the panel conversation on Saturday."

"[Jeremiah] gave a broader perspective on the death of identity that happens when leaving the CHM. I resonated with his discussion of the loss of sacred texts, sacred leaders, sacred myths + the loss of absolute answers. I also appreciated his emphasis on mental health care." —Bryan Hemrick

"Jennifer's testimony encouraged me to really seek God and read His word for myself outside of finding my identity in a particular group. Andrew's talk clearly outlined the gospel. Each sentence felt like a sermon in and of itself!" —Carly B.

"I enjoyed Anna's testimony so much. I could hear the genuine humbleness in her voice and felt the Holy Spirit in what she said. It was absolutely beautiful. God has given her a powerful testimony and I fell safe in saying that we were all blessed to be able to hear it." —Ashleigh Best

"Sat. panel discussion most resonated w/ my background in the CHM. It really articulated many of my thoughts and gave insight into how to move forward."

"I appreciated the way Jerry connected the real pain and grief from past cult abuse to the Scriptures and gave us hope to look to Christ and our future in heaven." —Hannah M.

"It was all so good! Andrew clearly laid out the difference between earning salvation (impossible!) and the true gospel. It just fed the soul. Thank you, thank you for this conference." —Denise Kelley

"The gospel was plainly spoken + explained + it brought affirmation in my decision to leave. It was also so encouraging to hear I'm following the truth."

"The emphasis on the gospel of Christ was refreshing! The encouragement was reviving! Focus on the Word of God provided a stable foundation on which to base our salvation." —Robin P.